Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Best sites to share your links link sharing sites

It is very difficult to find a good site with good traffic to increase the earning from This is because of the spamming methods of some users. Therefore, Most of the other users also have the chance of earning from such sites. So, you may have a question that Is there any site to share my links?. Yes, still there are number of high ranked sites where you can use links. I have found 10 top sites to earn more money on

What are the sites which allows to share links?

I you see most of these site are Social media. In addition to that those may be Forum sites. In this list I have given lot of Social media sites like Twitter, Youtube, and etc. This is because social media are the sites where the lot of people are hanging around and exchange their experience and the links and everything. So if you share a link in there you will get at least 10 - 15 clicks per one time.

At last you can use all of these,But do not spam on this sites.

Visit here and register if you are still not a user.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Adsense with with Adsense

Can I use Adsense with this may be a one of the very important and interesting question as a webmaster who are using both and Adsense in the same blog or in different blog. If we are not experts in we are not earning much with In that case most of the people concerning more on the Adsense which pays you lot. But if you can use these two in combination it is a very good chance for increase your earning by the effective use of both time and the blog space.

What are the and Adsense systems? is a URL shortening service which allows you to earn some money while making the URL short. This pays about 4$/1000 veiws on your links. This is not a click dependent method and this can use in both ingoing and the out going links.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Does the proxy IP effective in

Use proxy with

Some times you may have tried to used a proxy IP with the help of a software or a online site. However, do you know  how the proxy site or IP worked for you in According to what I have experience some earning methods working with them well while some earning methods like AdSense, Microworkers are not.

Regarding to the does it work with proxy well..? Accoring to my experience it works in a different manner compare to other earning methods.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

How to use as Adsense alternative..? and the AdSense

You are thinking about AdSense alternative money earning methods when you are getting lack money with AdSense or when you are banded from the AdSense with the illegal methods of earning styles.  Normally I do not accept any kind of illegal activities with Google AdSense as they paying well to us. So, before do wrong things think about them again. However if you have already missed the bus no way of getting AdSense again. In there I can help you providing some alternative earning methods for AdSense.

Then you think  "is there any alternative site for adsense..?". Yes there are number of alternatives. is a good AdSense alternative site although not the best AdSense alternative site. Because, if you earned 10$ from AdSense daily, you will only get about 2 $ by the However, it can be the other way also as the these two types are different.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

How to skip links on Firefox

Bypass links on FireFox is a nice and easy way to earn large some of money if you try. But, this way of earning can use as a spamming method of other sites. Mostly the Facebook and other social media site. That is because of there poor knowledge of online earning and the usage of Therefore most of the people have started to remove the adfly links on their browser. This is a brief introduction on such add-on on FireFox to remove links. Also you can remove adfly links on google chrome too

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

How to use YouTube to earn 5$ daily with

YouTube method of earning through

Hello friends, We have already discussed about several ways and means of earning through Even though it pays law if you understand the potentials of you will surely earn more and more even more than 20$ through That may be through blogs, Facebook, Forum post or the YouTube. However today  our main concern on the earning from through the Youtube. Is it possible to earn from YouTube by URL shortening methods..? it was a huge question on my mine until I try for that. Because I realized that it is the best way even more than all other ways of earning through It can override the earning through Facebook, blogger or any other ways. However before coming to our main topic read these to prepare earning through

Monday, March 4, 2013

How to bypass links on google chrome

Bypass links

Although the is a good way to earn some web masters are using it in a bad way. Mostly it is same to spaming. Therefore, although you can earn from it can become a problem to your works too. Therefore I though to give you a guide to get rid of links and other links like Adfocus, Linkbux which uses as URL shortening methods. This is very well tested and working method. By following this method you can simply bypass the effect of such URLs. But this can be affect your earning too. Therefore think before using it.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

What are the supporting countries supports all countries now

If you are going to start earning through any of the earning network the most earliest question may be "Do this network supports may country/ Paying my country..? As same as other earning networks you may have a question about that is What are the countries supported by If you asked the same question earlier the answer I can give was limited to several countries where the pay pal is supported. But from now onward this program has started a new method of payment in addition to the pay pal method of money transferring. Therefore now most of the people through out the world ca participate this method of earning. That is the method of Payoneer method. From this method you can get your money directly to your debit card in the bank.

How can you participate earning through on this method..?

1. First if you have not registered to the go and register to that following this link.

2. Then you need to go and register to the payoneer account for Follow this link to register.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

How to post links in Facebook by blogger method

Facebook earning tricks with

As we all know Adfly is a great URL shortening service which allows you to earn more and more money even with out much effort. But as we discussed Facebook has blocked the link posting on their site. Therefore you may have loss most of your ability to earn money online. Therefore I did several researches to find out how can I post URLs earn through Facebook. However I got several at last. Those include several ways like bitly method, blogger method and etc. Today my concern is on blogger method to earn money by posting links on Facebook.

However before going to that if you do not know about please refer following articles
1. Is the scam...?
2. 8 ways how you can earn with
Also better to refer about the Facebook method of earning through more and completely. Therefore please visit the How to earn through Facebook...? to have some idea on earning strategies of Facebook.

How to earn large amount of money from Facebook tricks to earn with Facebook

Do you have ever thought about earning through Facebook....? I think you may have try but have failed a lot. Do not be discouraged. Because I also have that experience. I have try may ways to earn through Facebook as I am spending most of m life with that. However at last I have found several ways to earn with Facebook. Just follow this to view how to do that.11 ways how to earn more that 1000$ through Facebook..?. However today I am going to talk about how to earn money in Facebook with Again have you ever try that...? some of you may have tried that but most of them have filed too. It is due to your unawareness about the strategies of Facebook and

More about

Just before have to earn with Facebook I will tell ho to earn through This is a URL shortening service which allow your users to go though an add. After that you will pay for that. If the number of people going though that is high, they will multiply your earning. Normally most of the users earns about 20$ per month with out much effort. Simply go to the here to start earning.

Monday, February 11, 2013

How to share links in facebook

Earning of through Facebook

After introducing the adfly it came over all the other URL shortening services as it can additionally generates a satisfactory income. If you try you can reach far beyond that. This is also a good alternative for other URL shortening services and such money making programs like AdSense. However, due to the sudden popularity and benefits most people started spamming on Facebook by links with out limitations. Therefore the result was the banding of the from Facebook.

I think you may have experience such when you are trying to post link generated by the However have you ever thought how to over come this problem. This means how to post links generated by with out any problem. Following my researches I found that there are several method to post and earn through links on Facebook.

Use to post links in Facebook

Today I am going to introduce a way even a person with out a web site can earn through with out much effort. I called this method as a method. Reason why I called so is that this is mediated by the

Saturday, January 19, 2013

How to earn with Clicksense easily

Hi friends, I think you may have engaging with per-click programs too. ClickSense is a such one which pays you when you click on ads. So I think most of you may like this kind of programs. I have seen that this site is progressing about several years by now and payed well and get good reputation still. So, we are going to discuss on the Clicksense today.

How we can earn with the ClickSense......? this may be the foremost question of you. There are several ways to earn. You can earn either by clicking ads. They will pay you about 0.001 to 0.01$ per your click. So more you click, more you get. Other important way of earning is that you can do surveys and use offers to earning.

What you need to earn...? You do not need anything except a computer and a Internet connection to earn from this program. So this is quite easy. No special knowledge and skill required for earning through this. You may click several ads, do several surveys and earn with the program.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

How to earn with the Ebay affiliate program

E bay earning tricks

E bay is the worlds best online market as all we know. There are many opportunities for earning money by the E bay. Do you know how you can earn with E bay...? As the first answer it is selling your items online as a seller. But do you have any other opinion to earn money on E bay. I think not. So there are some other opportunities of money making. One of them is the drop shipping and other one is the affiliate program. I know most of you do not like affiliate programs to earn money by the Internet. But, there are many people who have done this work properly and still earning much money. I think if you have a site on any niche you can earn with E bay affiliate marketing. Because there are people who like to buy items. If you have a site on electronics, you can earn with selling cell phones, Laptops, Tablets and anything. At the same time if you have a site on fashion you can just post ads or links to earn with wrings, cloths and such.

Friday, January 4, 2013

How to earn with Chitika advertising network

Earning tips through Chitika

Are you still finding for a solution for AdSense...? Have you ever try for Chitika...? If you have not today is the time to have a look on Chitika. Chitika is a non-contextual ad network. Which is mainly based on search related advertising method. As all we know search related advertising options can improve our ad revenue gradually. Therefore I would like to consider on Chitika as a AdSense alternative ad publishing site.

As I mentioned earlier search related ads are very important part of our earning methods as they influence the readers to click on ads. This is because the ads are similar to the topic that they are searching for.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

How to earn with ADHitz

ADHitz earning tips

At the time when I was not deal with AdSense, I have to find out some AdSense alternative online money making option. But I tried to find out through out the Internet for such. However one day I found such a good AdSense alternative site called Adhitz. As the name indicates if you have a good number of hits you will earn more and more. So this is on how to earn with Adhitz.

Is it a good alternative to Adsense

I think some of you may have already dealing with AdSense as a earning option. Sometimes may not be so. However we know that people who fails with AdSense is looking for alternative for AdSense. Then also some of you may not be satisfied with such earning. This is a good option to you too.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Best alternative : Linkbux Alternative Sites

Although I have satisfied with the earning, I know that most of you may not satisfy with only one URL shortening service. That is not due to the scamming by but due to the inadequate earning options made by the URL shortening service. As example they only pays up to 5 clicks made by a same IP address. Also the advertising options are limited only to URL shortening service. But if you have some other service with better features that may make you satisfied about your online money making solution.

Other very important thing you may need a alternative for is the banding of your account due to misuse of your links like in porn sites, invalid click generation and etc. Also some of you may like to use other online URL shortening service with to increase our earning.